Monday 30 September 2013

36 weeks - Are we there yet?

Eeeek, I've only just realised that it's been 10 weeks since I last posted any updates on here.  I occasionally remember to pop onto Facebook and update my status there, so if you feel you're missing out please stop by that page.  But in the meantime I'll get my butt into gear and write a proper post for you...

So the last 10 weeks have flown by!  We went from 26 weeks gestation and terrified that Sunny Baby would come too soon, to crossing days and weeks off the calendar like there'd never been a problem at all. And for every day that passed by and the amniotic leaking didn't continue as greatly we have been more and more grateful.  

Sunny Baby
All I can say is "Go baby, go!"  She is doing exceptionally well.  From about the 28 week mark she began to grow like crazy; measuring almost three to four weeks ahead in length and weight.  It was almost like she overheard how scared we were for her tiny little body to be born too soon, and decided then and there to prove us wrong. Bless her little heart.

At 30 weeks she was measuring at 34 in length, and just recently at the 36 week checkup she was a very ripe 38 weeks in length, and had an estimated weight of just over eight pounds.  Our little girl is definitely not at risk of being premature and tiny any more!

The Belly
I had myself fooled that I was maybe going to get away with not developing any stretch marks on my stomach.  And everything was going to plan until week 34 when I started to feel a definite stretch and itch above and below my belly-button.  So now both my boobs and my belly look like I've painted big, bright sun rays around them.  I don't really mind that much; they could have been a lot worse from a lot earlier in the pregnancy.

The drop has definitely happened now.  Sunny Baby is head down and ready for action, and loves to spend almost 16 hours a day curled into a tiny wombat ball with her back to my skin, leaving me with an adorable little "butt shelf" as we have affectionately named it.  Mind you, the minute I am in any position other than upright, she'll have a lovely big stretch and push her tootsies up against my ribs.  This makes sleeping, breathing, eating, and moving about a bit of a challenge.  But my bedtime pillow fortress, which seems to multiple as the weeks go by, is helping to keep me comfortable enough to doze off.

36 weeks
I think I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I'm super skeptical about all the "what to expect" books full of advice and what feels like step-by-step instructions to pregnancy.  So when you get to the section on the third trimester and they describe how the very special, new mummy section of your brain starts to take over your every action and thought, I automatically think "Pfffft, yeah right!"  Silly me!  

I don't know exactly when my brain snapped into crazy pregnant lady phase, but it's absolutely happened!  I find myself rearranging the linen cupboard and Sunny Hubby's shoe closet late at night.  I have made and remade the cot linen several times over to make sure it is absolutely, perfectly straight and tucked in.  It will be 36'C outside, my feet and hands so swollen I barely bend them, and yet I'll be sweeping the floor and hanging out multiple loads of washing.  WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME?!  

Damn you baby books, damn you for being right!  I don't mind the rationally organised portion of this brain takeover.  Granted the bags are packed, the capsule is in the car, the nursery is set up with weeks to spare.  But the incessant need to clean and organise junk that has already been cleaned and organised?  What's that about!?!?!  Oh well, only a couple of weeks to go!

And speaking of the countdown, would anyone else like to take bets on when Sunny Baby will enter the world?  So far there have been a few guesses:  
October 1st (tomorrow!) 
October 5-6th (this weekend; 37+3 weeks) 
October 10th (38 weeks) or 
October 28th (40+4 weeks)

If she's anything like her Daddy, which she will undoubtedly be, she'll come in her own time, when she's good and ready.  And when we least expect it!

I have finally got around to doing a before and after of the room that that is now proudly transformed into our nursery. 

As you can see, Hubby's music studio needed to go in order for Sunny Baby to get her own room.  It was a big challenge finding somewhere else in the house to set up all of his gear, but we came to a very nice compromise.  Over the space of about a week, Hubby packed and stored all the furniture and equipment that wasn't being relocated and put it all in storage.  He then shampooed the walls, carpets, blinds, windows, and wardrobe, then set about building the bed and cot.  Here's the linen he chose for the cot and single bed...

I think he's done an amazing job!   
We still have a bit of decorating to go.  I have ordered some prints I made for the walls to brighten it all up a little more, and there is a bouncer and floor play mat to be set up.
We have chosen to put a bassinet in our room for the first few months after Sunny Baby comes home from the hospital.  Just until she is in a more settled feeding and sleeping routine, and after we get this long, hot Spring/Summer out of the way.

I finally feel as though everything is in its rightful place and that we are ready with open arms, for our little girl to come into the world.  I'm not scared for her health anymore; she's a strong little poppet and has proven that over the last 10 weeks.  I'm not nervous about the delivery; we will be in great hands with our doctor and his midwives.  I don't have overwhelming thoughts about lack of sleep and change of lifestyle that come with a newborn; Hubby and I have waited a very long time for our precious girl, and during that time we have grown stronger as a couple, as a team.  Whatever madness comes next we can handle it, together.  And I can not wait!